Project Description

Guide2 aims to improve IAG practice for young adults, especially those facing multiple and complex barriers to progression, through the further evolution, adaptation, digitisation and extension of the case study method as a guidance approach developed in its predecessor Erasmus+  project Good Guidance Stories Plus (Guide+).

The primary target group for Guide 2.0 are those tutors, trainers, educators, IAG and careers guidance practitioners, and those directly involved in the design and provision of adult education for young adults failed by existing provision, and for whom there is presently little or no contemporary, imaginative and peer-to-peer continuing professional development provision.

Guide2 offers to provide innovative, challenging and thought-provoking learning exchanges that contribute not only to competency development but also to improvement of IAG service provision and practice.


Intellectual Outputs:

  • IO1: Methodological Concept: comprising a programme of systematic enquiry and validation of methods applied to IAG/career guidance, in order to capture, in each partner country, effective practice examples of flexible frameworks for provision of IAG, including that provided through partnership and joined-up working, and good examples of how young adults are best engaged as active participants in the process of transforming IAG practice and provision.
  • IO2: Blended Learning Curriculum: review of the existing Methodological and Recommendation Guides produced by Guide2’s predecessor project in light of the results of IO1, and the digitization of these Guides, along with the existing Case Studies, Teaching Notes and Curricula as an online learning resource.
  • IO3: Facilitator Resource Pack: comprising a suite of interlinking, flexible and inter-active (online) Teaching Notes and Materials, How To Guides and Curricula for IAG practitioners to enhance CoP participation and Action Learning Sets, specifically themed for IAG/careers guidance practitioners.
  • IO4: Case Study Learning Resource: production of a suite Case Studies as Peer Learning Tools, Community of Practice Method, Action Learning Sets, Co-Production Guides. Seven brand-new Case Study produced will include: 1) Personal Employability Skills, (2) Self-Management, (3) Working Together and Communication, and (4) Creativity, Enterprise and Innovation, (5) Flexible Frameworks for Learning and IAG, (6) Long-term Joined-up Approach, and (7) Re-thinking Roles, Relationships and Mindsets.
  • IO5: Effective Practice Guide for IAG Guidance Managers: specifically focusing on presenting Case Study examples of effective IAG/careers guidance practice and provision, expressing the stages of a ‘journey of change’ and the conditions needed for that change to take place.

Visit the Guide 2.0 website!