Project Description

This project wants to maximise the impact of the Vocational Training and Adult Education Actions targeted people with migrant background, run in mid-size European Cities, throughout their coordination and integration with the City welfare system.

It intends:

  • to improve the capacities of Local Development Partnerships to identify and implement a Vocational Training and Adult Education Actions Plan addressing people with migrant background, integrated in other policy areas and public programmes aimed at the social and economic inclusion of immigrates (housing, employment, entrepreneurship, intercultural issues)
  • to bring stakeholders together to design the integration process of the education actions into Cities welfare system, on one hand improving the capacities of Local Development Partnerships’ Lead Organisations (Local Administrations, Local Development Agencies) to manage networks, in accordance with the participative approach, on the other hand raising the involvement of local stakeholders
  • to raise the knowledge of successful local experiences, in facing the immigrates’ needs, of policy-makers, public Funds’ Management Authorities and Local Administrations, in order to define a better policy framework for the  actions of Local Administrations and to allocate public financial resources to support such experiences.

This project proposes an exploitation process at European level, involving 6 European cities:
it proposes the transfer of 3 best practices (results of previous successful projects in Bologna, Berlin and Dunkerque), in 3 Cities that need it (Catania, Santander and Budapest). These best practices represent different ways to address the migration issues in different contexts, characterised by an integrated and trans-sector approach,  according to different features and needs.

The project uses different methodologies and tools: workshops (using the EASW and GOPP methods), training seminars, website, support desk, study visits.