At the halfway mark of 2020, it is already clear to say this year is unlike any we have experienced before. Across the globe, every aspect of our lives has been shaped by a global pandemic. For MetropolisNet, which centers its activities on international cooperation, the impact has been just as massive.

But though the challenges are abundant, our network has been able to continue all ongoing projects, and has adapted impressively to these unique circumstances. As you will read in this newsletter, each of our network members has faced this moment differently, coming up with various organizational solutions to address these unprecedented times.

We also take this opportunity to express our solidarity with an equally significant historical moment, the global anti-racist protests centered in the United States but rippling through Europe and beyond. Below you will be able to read our statement of support and recognition of this important movement.

Finally, we introduce the newest MetropolisNet member, who we warmly welcome and are excited to work with! You can read all about our new Greek member organisation, Dimitra Ltd, below.

Read the Summer 2020 newsletter now!